ARCH Quarterly Lecture Series

Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting

Film screening of “Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting” at the UW, Washington State Public Health Association, and Yakama Nation.   This film details the current uprising against the misappropriation of Native culture in a national reckoning about racial injustice that has succeeded in the removal of Confederate imagery, toppling statues of Christopher Columbus and forcing corporate sponsors of Washington’s NFL team to demand it change its most-offensive name. It examines the origin and proliferation of the words, images, and gestures that many Native people and their allies find offensive. Imagining the Indian explores the impact that stereotyping and marginalization of Native history have had on Native people. It chronicles the long social movement to eliminate mascoting. 
Winner at 2023 Arizona International Film Festival and 2022 Boston International Film Festival 

Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want

Dr. Ruha Benjamin shared her vision of “Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want” as well as an intimate engagement of impromptu poetry to describe seeds for change.

Integrating Ancestral Knowledge in Policy & Practice

Dr. Leoni Pihama, Dr. Cheryl Smith, and Nagaropi Cameron co-presented a panel talk entitled, “Integrating Ancestral Knowledge in Policy & Practice.”